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Dataset | 28 Oct 2022

EU LFS (European Union Labour Force Survey)

The EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) is the largest European household sample survey. Its main statistical objective is to classify the population of working age (15 years and over) into three mutually exclusive and exhaustive groups: employed persons, unemployed persons (both together make up the so-called ‘labour force’) and economically inactive persons (the population 'outside the labour force'), for example students, pensioners and housewives or –men.

Eurostat currently publishes EU-LFS results for 35 participating countries. These countries are the Member States of the European Union, three EFTA countries (Iceland, Norway and Switzerland), and four EU candidate countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The EU-LFS provides quarterly and annual data; depending on the labour status of the people (employed, unemployed, economically inactive) different variables are collected.

The Labour Force Surveys are conducted by the national statistical institutes across Europe and are centrally processed by Eurostat. It also has an ad-hoc module on migration.

Data about labour market situation of migrants is available on some of the LFS series - adhoc modules (lfso): 2008 and 2014.

Access to microdata is available for scientific purposes.

The following statistics are related to migration:

Table codeDescription
lfsa_aganActive population by sex; age and citizenship (1 000)
lfsa_argacobActivity rates by sex; age and country of birth (%)
lfsa_arganActivity rates by sex; age and citizenship (%)
lfsa_eganEmployment by sex; age and citizenship (1 000)
lfsa_enewasnNewly employed (share of people in current job for 12 months or less; in total employment) by age; professional status and citizenship
lfsa_eppgacobPart-time employment as percentage of the total employment; by sex; age and country of birth (%)
lfsa_eppganPart-time employment as percentage of the total employment; by sex; age and citizenship (%)
lfsa_ergacobEmployment rates by sex; age and country of birth (%)
lfsa_erganEmployment rates by sex; age and citizenship (%)
lfsa_esgacobSelf-employment by sex; age and country of birth (1 000)
lfsa_esganSelf-employment by sex; age and citizenship (1 000)
lfsa_etpgacobTemporary employees as percentage of the total number of employees; by sex; age and country of birth (%)
lfsa_etpganTemporary employees as percentage of the total number of employees; by sex; age and citizenship (%)
lfsa_iganInactive population by sex; age and citizenship (1 000)
lfsa_pganwsPopulation by sex; age; citizenship and labour status (1 000)
lfsa_sup_natSupplementary indicators to unemployment by sex and citizenship
lfsa_uganUnemployment by sex; age and citizenship (1 000)
lfsa_upgacobLong-term unemployment (12 months or more) as a percentage of the total unemployment; by sex; age and country of birth (%)
lfsa_upganLong-term unemployment (12 months or more) as a percentage of the total unemployment; by sex; age and citizenship (%)
lfsa_urgacobUnemployment rates by sex; age and country of birth (%)
lfso_08cobrPercentage distribution of main reason for migration; by country of birth; sex and age (% of total migrants)
lfso_08cobsmfPopulation by country of birth; country of birth of mother and father; sex and age (1 000)
lfso_08cobspPopulation by country of birth; country of birth of parents; sex; age and labour status (1 000)
lfso_08cobspedPopulation by country of birth; country of birth of parents; sex; age; educational attainment level and labour status (1 000)
lfso_08resrPercentage distribution of main reason for migration; years of residence; sex and age (% of total migrants)
lfso_14b1drFirst generation of immigrants by sex; citizenship; duration and reason for migration
lfso_14beducEducational attainment level (ISCED11) distribution by sex; age; migration status and educational attainment level of parents (ISCED11F)
lfso_14blangSkills in host country language by migration status and citizenship
lfso_14hhcompcobHouseholds by migration status; country of birth of parents and household composition
lfso_14hhwkcobHouseholds by country of birth of parents; working status and years of residence
lfso_14hhwkmgHouseholds by migration status; working status and years of residence
lfso_14l1emprEmployment rate of first generation of immigrants by sex; age; years of residence and reason for migration
lfso_14lactrActivity rate by sex; age; migration status; citizenship and educational attainment level
lfso_14leecmMethods to find current job by migration status; educational attainment level and type of contract
lfso_14leeowEmployees by migration status; educational attainment level; occupation and working time
lfso_14lelLabour status distribution of the population by sex; age; migration status and educational attainment level
lfso_14lempEmployment by migration status; professional status; type of contract and full/part time
lfso_14lemprEmployment rate by sex; age; migration status; citizenship and educational attainment level
lfso_14loqSelf-declared over-qualified employees as percentage of the total employees by sex; age; migration status and educational attainment level
lfso_14lunerUnemployment rate by sex; age; migration status; citizenship and educational attainment level
lfso_14ocitiObstacles to getting a suitable job by migration status; labour status and citizenship (%)
lfso_14oeducObstacles to getting a suitable job by migration status; labour status and educational attainment level (%)
lfso_14pcitiPopulation by sex; age; migration status and citizenship
lfso_14pcitirkRanking of citizenship by sex; age and migration status
lfso_14pcobPopulation by sex; age; migration status and country of birth
lfso_14pcobpPopulation by sex; age; migration status; country of birth and country of birth of parents
lfso_14pcobrkRanking of country of birth of first generation of immigrants by sex and age
lfso_14purbPopulation by sex; age; migration status and degree of urbanisation
lfsq_aganActive population by sex; age and citizenship (1 000)
lfsq_arganActivity rates by sex; age and citizenship (%)
lfsq_eganEmployment by sex; age and citizenship (1 000)
lfsq_erganEmployment rates by sex; age and citizenship (%)
lfsq_iganInactive population by sex; age and citizenship (1 000)
lfsq_pganwsPopulation by sex; age; citizenship and labour status (1 000)
lfsq_uganUnemployment by sex; age and citizenship (1 000)
lfsq_urganUnemployment rates by sex; age and citizenship (%)