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Digital Europa Thesaurus developing countries economy
DATASET | 28 Oct 2022
The Commitment to Development Index ranks 27 of the world’s richest countries on policies that affect the more than five billion people living in poorer nations. Those policies extend...
PAGE | 17 Sep 2019
Unless consumption patterns of the emerging middle class in developing countries change, bottle necks in food and energy are very likely, along with increasing environmental degradation...
PAGE | 17 Sep 2019
Unless consumers' behaviour and consumption patterns change, by 2030, demand for food, water and energy will increase by approximately 35%, 40% and 50% respectively, compared to 2012...
PAGE | 17 Sep 2019
Developing countries have both a growing economy and a growing consuming population, while developed countries are mostly replacement economies. Developing economies and emerging markets...
PAGE | 17 Sep 2019
The number of people living in extreme poverty (US$1.9/day) has been reduced from 1.85 billion (35% of world population) in 1990 to 767 million (10.7% of world population)...