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Digital Europa Thesaurus Agriculture aquaculture bioeconomy
DATASET | 29 Oct 2015
The JRC - Biomass estimates database quantifies the production and residues of agricultural biomass. It has been elaborated jointly by JRC and the Nova-Institute. The indicators estimated are...
DATASET | 13 Jun 2017
The dataset stores harmonised data on biomass supply, uses and flows in the EU compiled by the JRC Units contributing to the Biomass assessment study. This dataset mirrors the diagrams displayed...
Limassol, Cyprus
The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2023-2032 provides a consensus assessment of the ten-year prospects for agricultural commodity and fish markets at national, regional, and global levels, and serves as a reference for forward-looking...
Highlight on the global dimension of the research programme (Cluster 6) The underlying paradigm of Cluster 6 is the need for a transformative change of the EU economy and society to reduce environmental degradation...