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Digital Europa Thesaurus Commodity
In Southern Africa, despite the eminent food crisis expected in the ensuing months, particularly in Zambia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe, due to the impact of the prolonged El Niño driven drought...
The annual FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) was conducted from 3 to 14 December 2023 to estimate the annual cereal production during 2023...
Harvesting of maize and soybeans in the southern hemisphere is progressing, but lack of rain earlier in the season and high temperatures have constrained yields. In the northern hemisphere, winter crops also...
Highlights: In 2024Q1, global domestic food price inflation was 4.9 percent, down from 5.7 percent in 2023Q4. Decreasing international prices of various agricultural commodities...
The easing of maize and wheat export prices is helping to mitigate rising freight and insurance costs associated with shipping disruptions for importers. Conversely, farmers have adapted to reduced...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 17 April 2024
The monthly Food Security Monitor is a critical tool for stakeholders across the African agricultural landscape. This report equips policymakers, practitioners, and the wider community with vital insights to navigate...
These reports describe the food supply and agricultural situation in countries or subregions experiencing particular food supply difficulties. They also alert the international community on measures...
GLOSSARY ITEM | 22 March 2024
Also called primary product or primary good, it is a good sold for production or consumption just as it was found in nature. Commodities include crude oil...