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Related organisations EUI - European University Institute ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ACAPS
The European State of the Climate (ESOTC) is an annual report compiled by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) on behalf...
Estimates of country-to-country cross-border human mobility ("trips") on the basis of global statistics on tourism and air passenger traffic. The two sources are adjusted and merged; resulting into a set...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
Mapping global emergency: country profiles; crisis analysis; special reports; key figures and priorities
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
GlobalStat’s website provides users with a comprehensive collection of data in which indicators are disaggregated as far as possible. Whenever possible, country level data is presented for 193...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
Through their laws on citizenship and electoral rights, states determine who belongs to the people in whose name they govern and for whom they assume responsibility vis-à-vis...
Database, downloadable as a compressed file, updated by Jean-Pierre Cassarino with data and statistics of returnees for the single third countries. The database on return migrants (DReM) is the consolidated version of two...
The Cross-Regional Information System on the Reintegration of Migrants in their Countries of Origin (CRIS) is aimed at addressing the social economic legal and institutional factors and conditions shaping returnees’ patterns...
MIREM stands for MIgration de REtour au Maghreb. This collective research programme was launched in December 2005 and ended in December 2008. Today; MIREM and its...