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Related organisations WIC - Wittgenstein Centre TDH - Terre des hommes The Africa-EU Strategic Partnership
Global flow of people. Estimates for bilateral global migration flows between all countries in the world. Abel, Guy; E. Cohen, Joel (2019): Bilateral international...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
Explore new estimates of migration flows between and within regions for five-year periods, 1990 to 2010. Click on a region to discover flows country-by-country.
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
A data web portal provides data and projections on the global population for all world countries (by age, sex, and education). Scenarios from 2010 to 2060 are available...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
Dataset and maps for 45 European countries, regarding fertility.
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
The Child Protection Hub is an interactive platform for professionals. Here we exchange experiences and knowledge, learn from each other, offer and receive support.
Fertility indicators for 45 European countries. Main indicators of fertility level: total fertility rate; mean ideal number of children; completed Cohort fertility; childlessness...
The Cohort Fertility and Education (CFE) database provides a free access to aggregate data on completed cohort fertility and parity distribution of women by level of education. The data come...
The European Demographic Datasheet shows key demographic data; population trends and projections until 2050. It covers fertility; mortality; migration and population structure; including...
In 2007, the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) was adopted at the Lisbon Summit, which brought together the Leaders of 27 European and 54 African States as well as the Presidents...