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Related organisations CIRAD - Centre de Cooperation International en Recherché Agronomique pour le Development Digital Europa Thesaurus agricultural market
The prices of the main tropical commodities, which were generally up in 2021 against the backdrop of a post-Covid recovery and occasional labour shortages, have evolved in 2022 in a very disordered...
Unsurprisingly, global banana news in 2022 was marked by the consequences of the pandemic and the accelerating trend of Russia's attempted invasion of Ukraine. Ensuring a smooth supply in quantity has...
Trade in pineapples is estimated at some 8 million tonnes (Mt). More than a third of this volume is fresh fruit, the rest is processed pineapple trade. For both sub-sectors, 2022...
India is the world's largest exporter (by far!), while China is the world's largest importer. The India/China ratio for rice is reversed. But, overall, Africa is the leading importing...