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Supporting policy with scientific evidence

We mobilise people and resources to create, curate, make sense of and use knowledge to inform policymaking across Europe.

Publication | 2023

KCEO Stakeholder Workshop On Biodiversity And Earth Observation

The Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation (KCEO) aims to maximize the uptake of products and information from Earth Observation (EO) to support European Union (EU) Policies and to establish best practices to translate EU policy needs into concrete requirements for EO products and services.In this respect, KCEO runs thematic assessments analysing EU policy needs in selected policy domains with the ambition to verify how and to what extent existing EO products and services meet these needs, highlight existing gaps and provide recommendations on future evolution of products and services. The first deep dive assessment has been on EO and biodiversity and, as part of the process, a Stakeholder Workshop was organised by KCEO on November 16th, 2022. The workshop was intended to present the findings of the deep dive assessment and meet with representatives from technical implementing entities and partners associated with Copernicus, EU Member States institutions and agencies, the research community and the private sector. It was meant to discuss which EO products and applications are available from Copernicus to support EU policy needs regarding biodiversity, but also what existing technologies and opportunities are available outside Copernicus to address those needs.The outcomes of the workshop provided inputs for the biodiversity deep dive assessment and are summarised in this report.