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Projects and activities | Last updated: 05 Sep 2023

REGIONS2030 project: Monitoring the SDGs in EU regions – filling the data gaps

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The Pilot Project "REGIONS2030: Monitoring the SDGs in the EU regions - Filling the data gaps", supported by the European Parliament is developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with ESTAT and DG REGIO, and it is part of the JRC activities on the Localisation of the SDGs.

The pilot project has been proposed by MEP Petros Kokkalis in 2021 and approved by the EC in 2022.

The REGIONS2030 Pilot Project will be carried out, inter alia, involving 10 European regions, which share a strong ambition to monitor the achievement of the SDGs and are willing to explore the synergies of SDGs monitoring, policy-making and sustainable regional development.

The participating regions will work with experts and partners to develop, test and improve a framework of indicators for monitoring the achievement of the SDGs at regional level. They will contribute to define the method and identify the relevant indicators at NUTS2 level, which will be eventually used in the whole of the EU. Where relevant, regions could propose additional customised indicators to reflect different contexts. The overall aim is to cover all SDGs and the majority of the 169 targets.


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