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Projects and activities | 15 May 2023

Promoting efficient and eco-friendly electric vehicle charging


The Living Lab for testing Digital Energy Solutions manages a charging site with nine electric vehicle charging points at the JRC site of Ispra in a two-year experimental research project started in 2022. Staff members can use these charging stations for free and, in exchange, provide data on their charging sessions. Several photovoltaic panels power the charging station and create a 100% clean energy source.


Incentivising employees to use the charging station when there are peaks in the solar energy supply is challenging as it conflicts with a peak of undue occupancy of parking spots at the charging stations (keeping others from charging their car). The goal is to refine the messaging conveyed to users via the charging station and electronic means.


  • A survey to staff to identify elements of an effective communication strategy for improving user behaviour
  • A field experiment testing reframed communications (signage, email)

Expected outcomes

Our experimental results will determine whether the interventions effectively stimulate a more efficient use of solar energy and a more coordinated behaviour of users at the charging station. If this is the case, the behavioural insights learned from this experiment could be extended to other charging stations in different towns.