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Organisation | Last updated: 28 Oct 2022

DG INTPA - DG for International Partnerships

The Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships is responsible for formulating the EU’s international partnership and development policy, with the ultimate goal to reduce poverty, ensure sustainable development, and promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law across the world.

The role of the DG for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) is to:

  • work together with partner countries across the world to achieve sustainable development
  • design the EU’s international partnership and development policy

DG INTPA accompanies partner countries on their path towards sustainable development, continuously adapting their support to the country’s evolving needs and transitioning from bilateral assistance towards more targeted support as the situation improves.

To ensure the most coherent and effective work, DG INTPA cooperates and coordinates with:

  • other Commission services responsible for thematic policies and/or external action
  • EU member countries and EU delegations in the field