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Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation (CC-ME)

We advise and support EU policy making through ex-post causal evaluation and data-driven microeconomic analysis.

Page | Last updated: 06 Apr 2022

CC-ME Tools

Publicly accessible resources and tools developed by the CC-ME to support stakeholders in the different issued of the evaluation process.

The Evaluation of the State AID Repository  - EVALSA

The EVALSA repository allows to share the information to improve the exchange of evaluation reports between all the involved actors. It is an instrument to facilitate the quality control of the evaluation reports.


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(© EC)

A Cointegrated ICU Forecasting tool - CIF

The CIF tool implements a forecast approach based on the Vector Error Correction model for the daily counts of hospitalized patients with symptoms and of patients in ICU, using publicly available data on the current COVID-19 outbreak in Italy, Switzerland and Spain.

A bivariate prediction approach for adapting the health care system response to the spread of COVID-19 by Paolo Berta, Pietro Giorgio Lovaglio, Paolo Paruolo, Stefano Verzillo


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(© EC)

Sample Size tool
The Sample Size is a quantitative online tool in support of activities of the Centre for Research on Impact Evaluation (CRIE).


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(© EC)

Counterfactual Evaluation Archive – CEA

The CEA repository is an online database which collects published articles and working papers using counterfactual impact evaluation methods to assess the impact of active labour market policies and programmes.


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