In addition to those by WHO described in the text.
Restrict or eliminate marketing of certain foodsa |
IASO - IOTF 2008 (pdf)
AHA 2015 (pdf), AHA 2012 (pdf)
Promote health dietsa |
AHA 2015 (pdf), AHA 2012 (pdf)
Provide informationa |
Monitora |
A Based on the Nuffield intervention ladder as described in Public Health: ethical issues from the Nuffield Council on Bioethics Nov 2007
B The adjective 'healthy' or 'unhealthy' to characterise a specific food or a food category is reported here as used in the original source of information and could have different meanings. WHO states that unhealthy foods can be defined in various ways, such as using national food-based dietary guidelines, or as identified in expert reports such as Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, WHO Technical Report 916.
Originally Published | Last Updated | 17 Nov 2020 | 08 Apr 2021 |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Health Promotion Knowledge Gateway | Food and non-alcoholic beverage marketing to children and adolescents |
Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) | health policy |