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Dataset | 22 Jan 2021

Overview of dietary fibre intake across European countries

Reported intake values are based on publicly available data compiled by Prof. I. Elmadfa & Dr. A. Meyer, University of Vienna, unless otherwise cited.

Mean Fibrea Intake (g/day)
Belgium -Belgian National Food Consumption Survey 2014-2015 (2x24h recall & Food Frequency Questionnaire b)(pdf)
Age group (years) Males Females
3-5 13 12
6-9 14 13
10-13 15 13
14-17 16 14
18-39 18 15
40-64 18 16
Denmark-Danskernes kostvaner 2011-2013  (7d food record)
Age group (years) Males Females
4-9 21 19
10-13 20 18
14-17 20 16
18-24 20 19
25-54 24 21
55-64 25 22
65-75 24 21
Germany-National Food Consumption Study (NVS) II 2006-2007 (2x24h recall)
Age group (years) Males Females
14-18 26 23
19-24 25 22
25-34 26 24
35-50 27 25
51-64 27 26
65-80 27 25
Ireland - National Children‘s Food Survey 2003-2004 (7d weighed food record)
Age group (years) Males Females
5-8 9.2 8.5
9-12 10.8 9.2
Ireland - National Teens’ Food Survey 2005-2006 (7d semi-weighed food record)
Age group (years) Males Females
13-14 12 10
15-17 14 10
Ireland - National Adult Nutrition Survey 2008-2010 (4d weighed food record)
Age group (years) Males Females
18-35 21 16
36-50 21 17
51-64 21 19
≥65 20 18
Spain - ANIBES adult Survey 2013 (3d food record)(pdf)
Age group (years) Males Females
18-64 13 12
France - Etude individuelle Nationale sur les Consommations Alimentaires (INCA) III 2014-2015 (24h recal)(pdf)
Age group (years) Males Females
0-10 13 13
11-14 18 18
15-17 16 16
18-44 21 17
45-64 23 18
65-79 21 18
Italy-INRAN-SCAI 2005-2006 (3d food record)
Age group (years) Males Females
3-9 14 14
10-17 18 16
18-64 20 17
≥65 22 19
Lithuania-National Nutrition Survey 2007 (24h recall)
Age group (years) Males Females
19-64 21 16
Hungary-National Dietary Survey by the Hungarian Food Safety Office (HFSO) 2009 (3d food record)
Age group (years) Males Females
19-30 25 21
31-60 25 21
>60 23 21
Netherlands - Dutch National Food Consumption Survey - (DNFCS) 2007-2010 (2x24h recallc)(pdf)
Age group (years) Males Females
7-8 16 15
9-13 18 16
14-18 20 17
19-30 22 18
Netherlands - Dutch National Food Consumption Survey Older Adult 2010-2012 (2x24h recallc)(pdf)
31-50 23 18
51-69 21 19
≥70 22 19
Austria-Austrian Study on Nutritional Status (ASNS) 2010-2012 (2x24h recall)
Age group (years) Males Females
7-9 18 17
10-12 18 17
13-14 16 14
18-24 24 22
25-50 20 22
51-64 22 22
65-80 20 19
Portugal - National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity survey (IAN-AF) 2015-2016 (2x24h recallc )(pdf)
Age group (years) Males Females
<10 13 13
10-17 18 16
18-64 20 17
65-84 21 18
Finland-National FINDIET Survey 2012 (48h recall)
Age group (years) Males Females
25-34 19 19
35-44 21 20
45-54 23 21
55-64 23 22
65-74 24 21
Sweden-Riksmaten 2010-2011 (4d food record)
Age group (years) Males Females
18-30 19 17
31-44 21 18
45-64 22 19
65-80 22 20
United Kingdom-National Diet and Nutrition Survey 2008-2010 (4d food record)
Age group (years) Males Females
4-10 11 11
11-18 13 11
19-64 15 13
≥65 15 12
Norway- Norkost 3 (ASNS) 2010-2011 (2x24h recall)
Age group (years Males Females
18-29 29 21
30-39 26 24
40-49 25 22
50-59 26 22
60-70 27 22

a Refers to AOAC Fibre, with the exception of: UK and IE (for children and teens only), that refer to NSP fibre,
b BE:  food diaries followed by an interview for children 3-9 yrs., FR: Food diaries for children <15 yrs., PT: Food diaries for children <10 yrs.  
c Median values of intake reported.