Enable or guide choice through changing defaults
EU Joint Action on Mental Health and well-being 2015 |
- 'Promote schools as a setting where health promotion and prevention of mental health and behavioural disorders and early identification can reach all children and young people'.
- Actively consult children and adolescents and their families when developing strategies for mental health promotion and mental disorders prevention.
- Promote optimal cognitive, emotional, behavioural and social functioning including educational attainment across all levels of education including early childhood education and care.
- Integrate specific subjects such as management of emotional, behavioural and relationship skill, and mental health development in the school curricula.
- 'Mandate school administrations to develop and formalise a mental health promoting culture in their statute, so as to systematically address risk factors such as bullying and cyber-bullying.'
- Promote policies on parental leave, positive nurturing and easy accessibility to high quality day care and parenting support.
- Develop mental health promotion programmes through multi-sectorial cooperation.
- Develop community programmes so that people with mental health disorders have higher uptake of mental care services, increased adherence to treatment, better protection of human rights and less stigmatisation.
- Screening programmes and subsequent psychological behavioural therapy interventions can be cost-effective strategies.
- Establishment of resilience development programmes directed to young people, generally involve professional, peer groups to tackle crisis situations and take action against risky behaviours.
- The U.S preventative Services Task Force recommends screening for major depressive disorders in adolescents.
Provide information
EU Joint Action on Mental Health and well-being 2015 |
- 'Enhance training for all school staff on mental health'.
- Provide the opportunities for meeting and training sessions involving teachers but also families and carers of children and adolescents
EU Compass 2014 |
- School-based programmes and education for teachers to support recognition of depression and suicide risk.
- Web-based educational programmes about depression and suicide
EU Joint Action on Mental Health and well-being 2015 |
- Strategic policy planning has to rely on evidence, in order to define mental health priorities among children and adolescents. It is recommended to 'establish a solid information base so as to have a detailed epidemiological frame of mental health among children and adolescents and evidence on interventions'
- 'Carry out a mapping and analysis of existing screening tools for early identification, from the first developmental stages, of mental health disorders and poor well-being among children and school populations'.