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Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Knowledge Gateway

A reference point for public health policy makers with reliable, independent and up-to date information on topics related to promotion of health and well-being.

Page | Last updated: 29 Nov 2021

Policy recommendations for dementia prevention

Dementia Prevention

Examples of policy recommendations for dementia prevention

Policy recommendations related to the prevention of dementia risk 

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World Health Organization 
  • As a preventive measure the dementia action plan foresees guidelines for municipalities containing recommendations on models for ‘preventive home visits and other measures to encourage and municipalities and local communities to establish effective preventive, health promoting services’ for the health of older inhabitants.
  • Establishing dementia-friendly initiatives needs to be a priority within policies and action plans
Alzheimer's Disease International 2014
  • recommends improved detection and treatment of diabetes and hypertension, prioritisation of smoking cessation, for older adults prevention programs, increase in physical activity and reduction in levels of obesity, global improvement of primary and tertiary education, prevention of cardiovascular conditions, hypertension and diabetes.
The MARIO project
  • Started in 2017 the Managing active and healthy ageing with use of caring service robots (MARIO) project, which addresses the difficult challenges of loneliness, isolation and dementia in older people through innovative and multi-faceted inventions delivered by service robots. 
Dementia Strategy for Canada 2019
  • The Dementia Strategy for Canada aims to provide access to built, and social environments that support the ability to pursue healthy living in ways that may reduce their risk of developing dementia.
  • The Dementia Strategy for Canada aims at integrating health equity into government policies, practices and programs in part through Sex and Gender-based Analysis Plus (SGBA+) to enable equal access to dementia supports, services and diagnosis.

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World Health Organization 2017  
  • ‘In collaboration with people with dementia, their carers and the organizations that represent them, the media and other relevant stakeholders, organize national and local public health and awareness campaigns that are community- and culture-specific’ 
  • ‘Develop programmes, adapted to the relevant context, to encourage dementia-friendly attitudes in the community and the public and private sectors that are informed by the experiences of people with dementia and their carers’ 
  • Raising/ increasing awareness of dementia and information systems for dementia need to be priorities addressed within policies and action plans
Various European Countries 
  • Commit to public-facing information campaigns, challenging stigma and encouraging to seek out early diagnosis (Greece)
  • Information campaigns focusing on increasing awareness and understanding of dementia and encouraging help-seeking behaviour, as well as providing information about risk factors, preventive measures, the value of early diagnosis and available support services. (Maltese, Portuguese and Slovenian strategies)
Care Council for Wales 
  • They aim to ensure that people are aware of the early signs of dementia, the importance of a timely diagnosis and have an understanding of where they can go to get help. For instance they launched guidance on dementia risk reduction and a national campaign to increase awareness by following six steps.
Northern Ireland 
  • Primary care professionals are expected to offer lifestyle advice, monitor, review and treat modifiable factors, and play a central role in the ongoing care of people who have been diagnosed with some type of dementia. 
  • To raise awareness and understanding in the Dementia Action Plan for Wales encourages ‘continued public education initiatives and awareness training so that more individuals, communities, businesses and public authorities have a better understanding of dementia.’ 
  • They plan to ‘develop and undertake training designed to raise awareness amongst transport workers of the barriers that are encountered by those with dementia when using public transport.’ 
  • All NHS employed staff in contact with the public should receive an appropriate level of dementia care training according to their ‘Good work’ framework