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Glossary item | Last updated: 22 Oct 2021

Cascading use

Cascading use is the efficient utilisation of resources by using residues and recycled materials for material use to extend total biomass availability within a given system. From a technical perspective the cascading use of wood takes place when wood is processed into a product and this product is used at least once more either for material or energy purposes.

  • In a single stage cascade, wood is processed into a product and this product is used once more for energy purposes.
  • In a multi-stage cascade, wood is processed into a product and this product is used at least once more in material form before disposal or recovery for energy purposes.

Vis M., U. Mantau, B. Allen (Eds.) (2016), Study on the optimised cascading use of wood.No 394/PP/ENT/RCH/14/7689. Final report. Brussels 2016. 337 pages

Source category: EC Technical Documents