Date: Tuesday, 10 December, 2024
Time: 10:30 - 12:45
Location: Brussels (online)
This workshop will bring together experts and policymakers to discuss the challenges that the EU is facing in meeting the growing demand for health services due to its ageing population.
This Science-for-Policy dialogue aims to enhance a shared understanding among stakeholders regarding demography, ageing and care provision, with a specific focus on:
- Facilitate stakeholder engagement: between scientific experts and regional, national and EU policymakers and to stimulate dialogue around healthcare workforce shortages, skills opportunities and sustainable care provision in an ageing society.
- Facilitate dissemination of knowledge: provide the participants of the seminar with an opportunity to share knowledge on health, ageing and long-term care.
10:30-10:45 | Opening: Speaker: Fabiana Scapolo (Head of Unit JRC E5 Demography and Migration). Introductory remarks: Speaker: Matthias Oel (Director JRC.E Societal, Resilience and Security). Speaker: Marco Marsella (Director SANTE.C Digital, EU4Health and Health Systems Modernisation). |
10:45-11:00 | Presentation: SANDEM Health workforce projections in EU 2021-2071. Speaker: Fabrizio Natale (Project Leader JRC E5 Demography and Migration). |
11:00-11:45 | Panel discussion: 1. Health at a Glance 2024 chapter on health workforce: key findings and implications for health workforce planning. Speaker: Gaetan Lafortune (Senior Economist, OECD Health Division). 2. Skills opportunities and challenges in the health sector. Speaker: Jiri Branka (Expert skills trends and intelligence, Department for VET and Skills, CEDEFOP). 3. HEROES Joint Action: stronger capacities for health workforce planning. Speaker: Eszter Kovacs (Assistant Professor Semmelweis University). 4. Use of health workforce planning in policies at national level. Speaker: Lisa Baldini (Project Manager, Italian National Agency for Regional Healthcare Services). Moderator: Dirk van den Steen (Deputy Head of Unit SANTE C2 State of Health, European Semester, Health Technology Assessment). Q&A |
| Presentations: 1. Health of older Europeans – learning from the SHARE data. Speaker: Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak (Vice Rector for Research and Director of the Institute of Statistics and Demography at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Acting Managing Director of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)). 2. Education, work and health in older age. Speaker: Arnstein Aassve (Professor in Demography at Bocconi University, Milan, Chair of the Advisory Board of the “Population Europe Policy Lab”, Coordinator of the project “Towards a resilient future of Europe” (FutuRes), funded by the Horizon Europe programme of the European Union). 3. Positive Demography: A New Perspective on Population Ageing. Speaker: Daniele Vignoli (Professor of Demography at Florence University, Scientific Coordinator of the Research Program Age-It (Ageing Well in an Ageing Society), funded by NRRP, Scientific Director of the PhD Program in “Life Course Research”, President of the Italian Association for Population Studies). 4. Care Sustainability in an Ageing Society. Speaker: Cecilia Tomassini (Professor of Demography at Molise University, Scientific Coordinator for Molise University and member of the Board of Directors of the Research Program Age-It (Ageing Well in an Ageing Society), funded by NRRP, Past-president of the Italian Association for Population Studies). Reflection on presentations, Q&A, plenary discussion on the way forward. Moderator: Fabiana Scapolo (Head of Unit JRC E5 Demography and Migration) and Andreas Edel (Doctor and Executive Secretary of Population Europe, the network of Europe's leading demographic research centres). |
How to participate
The session will be online and will be addressed to experts in the filed of health system and long-term care.
Should you wish to participate please write and e-mail to
Event date | 10 Dec 2024 - 10 Dec 2024 |
Event location | Brussels |
Related organisation(s) | DG SANTE - DG for Health and Food Safety |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Migration and Demography | Demography | Health policyHealth systems |
Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) | population statisticshealth policyhealth statistics |
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