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Geographic coverage Africa Digital Europa Thesaurus food security
ORGANISATION | 28 May 2024
The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) is an innovative multi-partner initiative for improving food security and nutrition analysis and decision-making. By using the IPC classification and analytical approach...
Climate change and its impacts on natural and human systems are increasingly evident globally. Africa is highly vulnerable and is experiencing the burden of climate change impacts of climate...
Achieving SDG2 (zero hunger) in a situation of rapid global population growth requires a continued focus on food production. Farming not merely needs to sustainably produce...
The joint communication stresses that EU and Africa must join efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goal of “zero hunger” and address the challenges of nutrition and food security by boosting...
Rice production and research have met unprecedented challenges in recent years. Yield and total production have plateaued for many years in some major producing rice-producing...