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Digital Europa Thesaurus biomass furniture industry
DATASET | 29 Oct 2015
The JRC - Biomass estimates database quantifies the production and residues of agricultural biomass. It has been elaborated jointly by JRC and the Nova-Institute. The indicators estimated are...
DATASET | 13 Jun 2017
The dataset stores harmonised data on biomass supply, uses and flows in the EU compiled by the JRC Units contributing to the Biomass assessment study. This dataset mirrors the diagrams displayed...
Wood resource balance (WRB) sheets are most useful in providing an overview of sources and uses of woody biomass, highlighting data gaps and inconsistencies. This technical report...
DATASET | 01 Jan 2013
Database containing information on the composition of biomass and waste. Each data record with a unique ID-number shows information (if available) on: classification codes ultimate analysis...
Sankey diagrams of woody biomass flows in the European Union as a whole are now available for the years 2009 to 2015 on the European Commission’s Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy web...
Sankey diagrams of woody biomass flows in the EU-28
Phyllis is a database containing information on the composition of biomass and waste. From Phyllis you can obtain analysis data of individual biomass or waste materials or average values for a group...
When new biorefinery processes are developed, certain challenges are encountered during the research and development stage. There are multiple possible production routes...