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Geographic coverage Latin America and the Caribbean
The seventh round of research by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and WFP on the impact of natural hazards and high cost of living on food security and livelihoods in the English and Dutch-speaking Caribbean. Natural...
NEWS | 16 Feb 2024
Before and after satellite images from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission show the scale of the oil spill that occurred off the shores of Trinidad and Tobago’s coastline earlier this week. The ship, identified as The Gulfstream...
Tobago Island spilled oil
Obesity rates are increasing almost everywhere in the world, although the pace and timing for this increase differ when populations from developed and developing countries are compared. The sharp...
This joint WFP and Action Against Hunger publication presents the impacts of El Niño in LAC, highlighting the emergency response and resilience activities taken to mitigate the effect of climate...