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Digital Europa Thesaurus space policy
EVENT | 15 Sep 2021
This workshop will be organised into four sessions discussing the following specific topics: Copernicus and COVID Extreme temperatures and health Air quality and health Weather/climate...
NEWS | 17 Feb 2022
The Copernicus Horizon 2035 symposium brought together the European Commission, Member States, delegated bodies, and the community of users to continue the dialogue on Copernicus’ contribution to the environment and consider...
OBSERVER: Copernicus Horizon 2035
Brussels, Belgium
Toulouse, France/Online
NEWS | 06 Jan 2022
A unique opportunity to learn the new direction on the future and evolution of Copernicus and the opportunities unfolding from the EU Space Programme, the CASSINI initiative, internationalisation activities and Horizon Europe funding....
OBSERVER: The Copernicus Networks General Assembly 2021
NEWS | 23 Dec 2021
Copernicus remains at the forefront to gather information to help tackle such global issues in its capacity as the European Union’s distinguished Earth observation capability.
OBSERVER: Copernicus in 2021: the year in review