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Digital Europa Thesaurus innovation public policy
Ireland’s first national Bioeconomy Action Plan was published during Bioeconomy Ireland Week 2023. The ‘Bioeconomy Action Plan 2023-2025’ includes 33 actions...
The Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture has developed a roadmap for the circular bioeconomy. It defines the main directions of activity of the development of the circular bioeconomy in Estonia and the activities necessary...
ORGANISATION | 23 May 2023
The EIB is the European Union's bank, owned by and representing the interests of the European Union Member States. EIB works closely with other EU institutions to implement EU policy...
Latvia’s vision for the bioeconomy strategy – the bioeconomy sectors of Latvia are innovation leaders in the Baltic States in preserving natural capital, increasing its value and in efficiently...
Germany was and is a country of progress and innovation. To ensure that this remains the case in the future, the Federal Government, under the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), has developed...
ORGANISATION | 21 Feb 2023
The mission of HDRO is to advance human development. The goal is to contribute towards the expansion of opportunities, choice and freedom. The office works towards this goal by promoting innovative new ideas...