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Digital Europa Thesaurus climate change maritime economy
T he seventh edition of the EU Blue Economy Report, presented in a fresh format, persists in thoroughly examining the scale and breadth of the Blue Economy within the European...
The study builds on an extensive literature review, a survey, and in-depth interviews to investigate the potential of 10 microalgae and macroalgae production systems in contributing to animal feed requirements in the EU...
In a new format, the sixth edition of the EU Blue Economy Report continues to analyse the scope and size of the Blue Economy in the European Union. Its main objective remains...
NEWS | 28 Sep 2022
A comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the current state, variations, and changes occurring in the European regional seas and global ocean over the past decades and for recent years, particularly for 2020.
Copernicus Ocean State Report 6 Release
Venice, Italy
Warsaw, Poland
EVENT | 18 Nov 2021
The first European event dedicated to the Blue Economy and a major trade fair on the sea universe and all its resources.