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Geographic coverage European Union Digital Europa Thesaurus biomass
DATASET | 02 Mar 2020
The EU bio-based industry is quickly evolving but clear data on the development of this emerging sector are still missing. A new JRC report illustrates the work of the JRC in building...
DATASET | 29 Oct 2015
The JRC - Biomass estimates database quantifies the production and residues of agricultural biomass. It has been elaborated jointly by JRC and the Nova-Institute. The indicators estimated are...
DATASET | 13 Jun 2017
The dataset stores harmonised data on biomass supply, uses and flows in the EU compiled by the JRC Units contributing to the Biomass assessment study. This dataset mirrors the diagrams displayed...
Marseille, France and Online
Biomass is very much centre stage in the European Green Deal. Forests, the seas, freshwater and agricultural systems, are expected to simultaneously mitigate climate change, accommodate...
This study provides insights into the potential of District Heating and cooling (DHC) to contribute to the New European Bauhaus initiative (NEB) and the potential role of the NEB in the further development and accelerated...