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Related organisations nova-Institute ACAPS KNOMAD - Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development DG TAXUD - DG for Taxation and Customs Union
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
Global hub of knowledge and policy expertise on migration and development issues
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
Mapping global emergency: country profiles; crisis analysis; special reports; key figures and priorities
he KNOMAD-ILO Migration Costs Surveys (MCS) aim to systematically document monetary and non-monetary costs incurred by migrant workers seeking jobs abroad. The project is a joint...
The yearly-updated report, first published in 2016, shows that Europe's bio-based industries contribute over 814 billion EUR. This constitutes an increase of 34 billion EUR (+4...
The Biomass Utilisation Factor (BUF) is a new metric combining cascading use and production efficiency into one indicator to investigate the circularity of materials for the circular bioeconomy. Cascading use...
The new data for 2018 demonstrates that the bio-based industries made a contribution of 780 billion EUR, to the European economy a notable increase of 30 billion EUR (+ 4%)...
In 2017, a study conducted by nova-Institute on behalf of BIC showed for the first time which macroeconomic effects are generated by these activities, e.g. turnover and employment for the years...
A large literature in the field on the behavioural economics of taxation exists. This report summarizes central parts of this literature, reviewing mainly experimental and observational studies in the academic literature to be...