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Related organisations GMDAC - IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre Aalto University iTM
Read the latest Big Data for Migration Alliance (BD4M)'s blog post on the urgent need to invest in responsible data innovation for the analysis of mobility and migration. KCMD contribution...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 4 November 2022
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Interactive Dashboard is a data-driven initiative that supports tracking and monitoring of the United Nation's global goals. The platform currently uses data from the UN...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
Missing Migrants Project tracks incidents involving migrants, including refugees and asylum-seekers, who have died or gone missing in the process of migration towards an international destination.
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
The Portal aims to serve as a unique access point to timely and comprehensive migration statistics, which are now scattered across many different organizations and agencies. The overall...
The Missing Migrants Project tracks deaths of migrants and those who have gone missing along migratory routes worldwide. The research behind this project began in October...
When new biorefinery processes are developed, certain challenges are encountered during the research and development stage. There are multiple possible production routes...