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Related organisations IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change IPUMS
Insight into the future of the world population is key for policy planning. National statistical offices and international organisations regularly produce population projections employing a variety of methods. Some...
Why global demography is important for EU policies
This report analyses the effect of the Russian Invasion on the longer-term future of Ukraine’s population size and structure. The qualitative scenarios spanning a range of possible migration futures are translated...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
By applying the multi-state model of population dynamics, including differential fertility, mortality and migration rates, POP has produced projections of the European and Asian population by age, sex...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 28 October 2022
The World in 2050 (TWI2050) is a global research initiative in support of a successful implementation of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. The goal of TWI2050 is to provide the fact-based knowledge to support the policy...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 15 November 2021
The Conference of the Parties at its twenty-third session, held in Bonn in 2017, adopted decision 4/CP.23 on the "Koronivia joint work on agriculture", which requests the SBSTA and the SBI to jointly...