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Related organisations OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Europol - European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation MACIMIDE - Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development
Harvesting of maize and soybeans in the southern hemisphere is progressing, but lack of rain earlier in the season and high temperatures have constrained yields. In the northern hemisphere, winter crops also...
The easing of maize and wheat export prices is helping to mitigate rising freight and insurance costs associated with shipping disruptions for importers. Conversely, farmers have adapted to reduced...
This OECD policy brief provides an overview of pressing fisheries policy issues and makes recommendations for policy makers to ensure sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture production, to reduce illegal...
Over USD 10 billion in public money goes to support fisheries every year. Investment in assessing and ensuring fish stock health is beneficial to the industry and contributes...
Around two-thirds of assessed fish stocks reported in the OECD Review of Fisheries 2022 are in good health, but nearly one in five do not meet sustainability...
Risks to global food security continue to accumulate, driven by low economic growth prospects and increased uncertainty related to climate shocks. In this context, fostering climate adaptation...
Better policies are needed to meet the triple challenge facing food systems: ensuring food security and nutrition for all, providing livelihoods along the food chain...