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Geographic coverage Estonia Slovenia Bulgaria
The agricultural and rural development policy seeks to facilitate the transition towards environmentally sustainable and climate-neutral agricultural practices, with a focus on human capital, knowledge, and innovation. Gender equality...
The Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture has developed a roadmap for the circular bioeconomy. It defines the main directions of activity of the development of the circular bioeconomy in Estonia and the activities necessary...
This interactive map has been made by the Agroecology Thematic Working Group (TWG) of the BIOEAST Initiative which aims to mobilise member Ministries and research institutions from eleven...
The dataset contains information about how subnational geographical areas cluster with in terms of human mobility measured through Mobile Network Operator (MNO) data, irrespective...
This report presents strategies and roadmaps for strengthened regional bioeconomies in five European regions: the Szczecin and Vistula Lagoons, Poland; Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Strumica, North Macedonia...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 9 February 2022
This online map tool allows users to explore harvesting potential of energy wood and other assortments in Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.