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Geographic coverage Europe Kyrgyzstan OECD
This comprehensive survey of 300+ experts reveals that 67% of respondents see the upcoming European elections having a negative impact on the implementation of the European Green Deal (EGD). According...
Around two-thirds of assessed fish stocks reported in the OECD Review of Fisheries 2022 are in good health, but nearly one in five do not meet sustainability...
Risks to global food security continue to accumulate, driven by low economic growth prospects and increased uncertainty related to climate shocks. In this context, fostering climate adaptation...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 2 April 2024
A space for stakeholders to quickly find the latest research and development, innovation, and current trends is necessary. Such a space can be a source of knowledge to foster innovation, facilitate...
This report analyses the effect of the Russian Invasion on the longer-term future of Ukraine’s population size and structure. The qualitative scenarios spanning a range of possible migration futures are translated...