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Related organisations OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Digital Europa Thesaurus agricultural trade
Harvesting of maize and soybeans in the southern hemisphere is progressing, but lack of rain earlier in the season and high temperatures have constrained yields. In the northern hemisphere, winter crops also...
The easing of maize and wheat export prices is helping to mitigate rising freight and insurance costs associated with shipping disruptions for importers. Conversely, farmers have adapted to reduced...
Risks to global food security continue to accumulate, driven by low economic growth prospects and increased uncertainty related to climate shocks. In this context, fostering climate adaptation...
This policy note first examines global trends in the trade of food and agricultural products. Next, it shows how trade and well-functioning markets can address food...
With the onset of 2024, commodity markets remain relatively calm, at least compared to the recent past. Wheat, maize and soybean export prices were at their lowest of the past...
Rice continues to be in the news. Since India banned non-Basmati rice exports in July, rice prices have risen markedly, raising concerns that other countries might...
Over the past 10 months, world prices of most grains and oilseeds have fallen back to levels prior to the war in Ukraine. Likewise, volatility in prices has...