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Related organisations JRC - Joint Research Centre DG RTD - DG for Research and Innovation Digital Europa Thesaurus climate change
EDGARv6.0 provides emissions of the three main greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) and fluorinated gases per sector and country. CO2 emissions are provided separately for CO2_excl_short-cycle_org_C...
The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) is a major international collaborative effort to improve the state of agricultural simulation and to understand climate impacts on the agricultural sector at global...
These dataset and interactive dashboard are linked to the related study that presents a global integrated assessment of the range of potential economic impacts of climate change and stringent mitigation...
We are facing a planetary emergency caused by interdependent biodiversity loss and climate change. Whilst climate change is itself a major driver of biodiversity loss, climate...
This report highlights the challenges involved in financing nature-based projects and draws on the EIB’s experience in implementing the Natural Capital Finance Facility pilot programme in Europe and interviews with key...