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Related organisations JRC - Joint Research Centre DG RTD - DG for Research and Innovation Digital Europa Thesaurus nature restoration
Biodiversity and health are inextricably connected, directly as well as indirectly. Nature and biodiversity directly enhance health and wellbeing by improving the quality of our air, water and soil...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 12 December 2023
The JRC-managed observatory on deforestation and forest degradation will help protect and restore world’s forests and ensure that Europeans consume deforestation-free products. The observatory is structured around three...
Published in Nature Communications by JRC and partner scientists from other organisations, this study represents the largest European soil biodiversity assessment. It is based on measured DNA and soil...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 17 March 2023
A novel soil health dashboard within the EU Soil Observatory highlights the location and estimates the extent of unhealthy soils in the EU, as well as the degradation processes behind them....