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Geographic coverage Baltic Gambia Knowledge type Online Resource
ONLINE RESOURCE | 14 January 2022
The 37th RPCA annual meeting was held virtually on 6-8 December 2021 with the general theme, “Women, conflict and food and nutrition issues.” The meeting also took...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 14 January 2022
The SUBMARINER network promotes innovative approaches to the sustainable use of marine resources and offers a cooperation platform to related actors and initiatives in the Baltic Sea Region.
ONLINE RESOURCE | 18 November 2021
The Interactive Online Portal is a database providing collected and processed bioeconomy data relevant for public authorities and business enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region. Information that was collected...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 22 October 2021
For the second consecutive year, the region must prepare for a major food and nutrition crisis in 2021. The March update indicates that 27.1 million people might need emergency...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 11 December 2020
The 36 th annual meeting was held virtually in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. It took stock of the 2020-21 agro-pastoral campaign, the food and nutrition situation and the responses...
COASTAL Biogas turns problems into potential for the Baltic Sea region and environment – reducing eutrophication, creating renewable energy and high-quality bio-fertilisers from unwanted waste, making...