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ONLINE RESOURCE | 10 March 2021
The Bioeconomy Strategy Accelerator Toolkit (BSAT) represents the POWER4BIO methodology implemented into an online platform for guiding decision-makers to review or develop regional bioeconomy strategies. The toolkit is aimed...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 9 February 2021
TIM Edge puts together various datasets to track emerging technologies as they progress towards concrete market applications. Patents, scientific publications, news from the media...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 9 February 2021
TIM Energy maps technologies and innovations in the field of energy, as identified in the Strategic Energy Technologies Plan (SET-Plan).
ONLINE RESOURCE | 9 February 2021
TIM Climate monitors Climate-friendly technologies that have an impact to achieve the European Green Deal Objectives.
ONLINE RESOURCE | 16 July 2020
The 2030 Calculator by Doconomy is a product carbon footprint tool that can be used by any product brand or manufacturer to quickly calculate the carbon footprint of their products...