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Publication | 2020

Targeting Poor Households in Lebanon - The National Poverty Targeting Program

The National Poverty Targeting Program (NPTP) was launched in 2011 by the Government of Lebanon (GOL) with technical and financial assistance from the World Bank. It is the only poverty-targeted social safety net program in Lebanon for the poorest and most vulnerable Lebanese families. The NPTP targets extreme poor Lebanese households, defined as households who are unable to meet their basic food needs.

Today, the NPTP reaches 43,000 households. However, the current economic and financial crisis could put more than 155,000 households (850,000 individuals, equivalent to 22% of the Lebanese population) under the extreme poverty line; and 356,000 households (1.7 million individuals, equivalent to 45% of the Lebanese population) under the upper poverty line.

The NPTP is managed by the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM) and relies on the proxy-means testing (PMT) targeting method.