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Projects and activities | Last updated: 11 Oct 2021

Technology transfer study of EU Neighbourhood countries

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Key objective: To inform future programming by identifying innovation related subjects and fields requiring EU support and assistance in the Eastern Partnership and Southern neighbouring countries.

Stakeholder groups: Relevant government/ministries, universities, research centres, companies

Project summary: In the framework of JRC's Enlargement and Integration Action, and in close collaboration with DG RTD, the JRC is coordinating a diagnostic and benchmarking study of the state of technology transfer in the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and Southern neighbouring countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia). The project intends to gather information on the level of development and sophistication of the innovation and research commercialisation ecosystems of these countries.

Project outcomes:

  • Description of the main characteristics of the landscape, including relevant stakeholders, players and TT models
  • Identification of strengths and weaknesses of each ecosystem
  • A comparative overview of TT in the twelve countries

Contact: Eva Baltar, Competence Centre for Technology Transfer, JRC