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Supporting policy with scientific evidence

We mobilise people and resources to create, curate, make sense of and use knowledge to inform policymaking across Europe.

Organisation | Last updated: 21 Feb 2023

Alliance 8.7

Alliance 8.7 is a global strategic partnership committed to achieving Sustainable Development Goal Target 8.7, which calls on the world to “take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms”. Alliance 8.7 seeks to achieve Target 8.7 and related Targets 5.2, 16.2, 16.3 and 16.a through the alignment of global, regional and national efforts, and by focusing on accelerating timelines, sharing knowledge, driving innovation and leveraging resources.

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