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News | 27 Nov 2023

Call for papers for "16th Workshop on Labour Economics 2024"

16th Workshop on Labour Economics

April 11-12, 2024

Hosted by the Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU) and the Chair of Personnel Economics at Trier University.

Keynote Speaker: Christina Gathmann (LISER/University of Luxembourg).

Special Session: A session on counterfactual impact evaluation in collaboration with Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation (CC-ME). Use of register data is recommended but not mandatory. Indicate interest in this session upon submission.

More details about the event can be found on the event's page

Call for Papers

Researchers are invited to submit papers for presentation. Topics of interest include labour and personnel economics, well-being, pay schemes, labour market institutions, education, health, and household economics. PhD students are especially encouraged to apply, with up to 45 minutes allotted for each presentation.

Submission Deadline: January 14, 2024. Send extended abstracts or full papers to or submit online at IAAEU website.

Notification: Acceptance notifications by early February 2024. Full papers due by March 25, 2024.

Conference Fee: 120 EUR, covering lunches, social event, and conference dinner.