A factsheet has been published to guide the environmental and Earth observation community, including the global Group on Earth Observations (GEO), through the first Horizon Europe work programme (2021 – 2022). It covers the different topics directly or indirectly related to environmental and Earth observation and offers an overview of the different funding opportunities available.
Horizon Europe will contribute to a better uptake and broader use of environmental and Earth observations, building on the work of previous R&I Framework Programmes (notably Horizon 2020). The topics related to environmental and Earth observations cover a broad array of domains. Some of them relate to applications in specific fields, like biodiversity or health, while some focus on interoperability issues or citizen science and engagement.
While this factsheet provides you with a compass to navigate the Horizon Europe work programme 2021 – 2022, we invite you to refer to the Funding and Tenders Portal for the official and applicable content and to read carefully the full topic texts before applying.
Originally Published | 26 Aug 2021 |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Earth Observation | Research & Innovation |