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Henry Richards
Senior Futures Lead at the British Academy, leading evidence-based policy futures programmes on governance, trust and sustainability.
Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay
Global Futures Research (climate change, demographic change, and technological change). Futures and Foresight consultant. Leader of CoFutures.
Maria Demou
Researcher in inflammatory diseases with a focus on structural biology and biochemistry.
Franziska Bock
I focus on participatory development and responsible use of models and model-based scenarios for science-informed decision-making.
Arco Timmermans
Analyst, writer and speaker on public affairs, stakeholder relationships, issues management, and use of knowledge in the policy process.
Magdalena DOLBA
JRC - Joint Research Centre
Passionate about bridging the communication & knowledge between science, policy and citizens.
David Demortain
Research professor in science and technology studies, analyzing the politics of knowledge, expertise and knowledge-based governance
I lead a community of 1,400 people at the interface between science and public policy in Quebec, Canada. I am based in the office of the Chief Scientist of Quebec, and President
Belen Beltramo
Researcher in nutrition and food law, with interest in consumer behaviour on fruits and vegetables.