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Supporting policy with scientific evidence

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Joined 31/10/2023

Julia Maria Koszewska

I am a Senior Library Assistant at OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), where I administer and maintain TANDIS, an online repository on tolerance and non-discrimination, and related human rights topics. I have successfully transformed this system to a new and open-source platform, improving its layout, UX, and AI, and facilitating data migration and bug-fixing. I have also worked with external contractors and stakeholders to ensure the quality and usability of the system.

With a PhD in Sociology and over 20 years of professional, academic, and social activism experience, I am a highly skilled analyst and an experienced social activist. I am driven by social causes, quick solution finding, and finding synergies between people and projects. I have expertise in various fields, such as interfaith, ecumenical and intercultural dialogue, freedom of religion or belief, Holocaust remembrance and education, collective memory studies and education, peace activism, tolerance education, youth policy, conflict prevention, and cultural diplomacy. And very diverse groups composed of truly diverse members. I have strong experienced-based knowledge of youth work, and women empowerment through tech. I am also proficient in information architecture, knowledge and information management, ICT for democracy and human rights, Wikimedia, copyright, free licenses and open culture, museum studies, and library management.

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