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Supporting policy with scientific evidence

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Joined 14/01/2025

Deirdre CADEN

Funding and International Engagement Manager, AMBER Centre

I have over 15 years’ research management, strategy and policy, experience and have supported research funding applications across a range of funding bodies, national, EU and international. I was awarded in 2016 a Certificate in Research Management from the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) and am currently a member of EARMA's Policy and Representation Committee.. In 2022, I won the Irish Research Council's 'Research Ally' award. From 2024 to 2026, I sit on the governing Board of Trinity College Dublin, which hosts the Centre in which I work - the AMBER (Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research) Centre. I hold an MSc in Applied Environmental Geology (University of Wales, Cardiff) and a BSc (Hons) in Earth Sciences (NUI Galway). I have excellent knowledge of the research and innovation funding landscape in Ireland, the EU and internationally, with extensive experience of research strategy development and implementation, including proposal development, consortium building, grant preparation and proposal writing, particularly in the EU Framework programmes. Other areas of interest are career development for early stage researchers and engaged research, in particular, facilitating transdisciplinary research, and translating the outputs of research into useful and communicable evidence-based information to support policy decisions.  

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