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News | 11 Apr 2023

Three webinars on the future of cities

The future of cities is not set in stone and is not easy to predict. However, the choices that cities make now will shape the lives of generations to come. An upcoming series of three webinars will focus on different topics relevant for cities: the interactions between urban and rural areas, the role of technology in making cities more inclusive and functional, and the phenomenon of shrinking cities.

The webinar series follows The Future of Cities report – an initiative of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), supported by the Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy – and three ensuing policy briefs focusing on one single urban issue:

  • Urban-rural interactions and their territorial disparities
    Thursday, 20 April 2023, 14.00-15.00 CEST
    JRC policy brief
  • Cities fit for the digital age
    Thursday, 25 May 2023, 14.30-15.30 CEST
    JRC policy brief

The three webinars will bring together current knowledge of urban systems and highlight potential pitfalls that cities avoid. They will also define broad principles that should inform urban policies, taking into account that cities are uniquely equipped to tackle challenges and relieve the pressure they face, thanks to factors such as relative autonomy, large and diverse populations and openness to technological innovation.

The aim of this series is to foster evidence-based discussion and help policymakers, cities and their citizens define what the future of cities can and should be.

This webinar series is organized by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with the Regional Studies Association (RSA Europe). Links for registration are available on RSA Europe's website.


Related content:

JRC policy brief: Urban-rural interactions and their territorial disparities

The Future of Cities Platform