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Supporting policy with scientific evidence

We mobilise people and resources to create, curate, make sense of and use knowledge to inform policymaking across Europe.

Event | 08 Nov 2022

Project Kick-Off Meeting: "Building capacity for evidence-informed policymaking in governance and public administration in a post-pandemic Europe"

Banner for the TSI Kickoff meeting


European societies face complex problems such as Covid-19, addressing the policy challenges of climate change and of achieving climate neutrality of EU economies, facing complex information ecosystems vulnerable to mis- and disinformation among others. Governments, public administrations and experts in the science community must join forces to address these wicked problems and help public administrations to be better equipped to design better, evidence-informed policies that will deliver public value and sustainable results for their citizens.

To overcome challenges in connecting the sides of supply and demand of evidence and scientific knowledge for effective policymaking, public administrations need to further develop capacity for effective engagement between scientists, evaluators and policymakers. This requires new and innovative approaches for sharing knowledge and improving the management and coordination of governance processes for decision-making, policymaking, rule-making and budgeting to achieve greater effectiveness. 

The Technical Support Instrument (TSI) by DG REFORM will provide technical support to seven EU Member States: Greece, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Netherlands. This multicountry project will help Member States implement public administration reforms to build capacity in evidence-informed policymaking in public governance in a post-pandemic Europe, and increase awareness, recognition and understanding at the political level and in the scientific communities, of the actions and investments required for science and evidence to be able to fully contribute to well-informed policymaking.

The project will be implemented with the support of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

This event will represent the formal kick-off of this multi-country project to strengthen capacity for evidence-informed policymaking with Greece, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Netherlands.



Project Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, 8th November 2022, 11:00-14:45 (CET), hybrid event

10:00 Registration and welcome coffee

Opening remarks

  • Akis Skertsos, Minister of State for the Coordination of Government Policies, Greece
  • Mario Nava, Director-General of DG REFORM

Keynote interventions

  • Stephen Quest, Director-General of the JRC
  • Elsa Pilichowski, Director for Public Governance, OECD

Roundtable: How to promote use of evidence to support inclusive governments in democratic societies?

  • Ben Smeets, Director General Recruitment and Development, FPS Policy and Support, BOSA, Belgium
  • Daiva Žaromskytė-Rastenė, Head of the Strategic Governance Group, Office of the Government, Lithuania
  • Vladislavs Vesperis, Deputy Head of the Cross-Sectoral Coordination Centre, Latvia

Chaired by Stéphane Jacobzone, Public Management and Budgeting Division, OECD

12:30 Lunch break

Keynote intervention from the Czech Council Presidency

  • Marek Havrda, Deputy Minister for European Affairs, Czech Republic

Roundtable: Why does the supply of science and evidence matter to address those challenges of a green and sustainable recovery?

  • Frans Brom, Director of the Netehrlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), the Netherlands
  • Šimon Vydra, Head of the Czech Government Analytical Unit, Czech Republic
  • Anu Noorma, Director General, Estonian Research Council, Estonia

Chaired by David Mair, Head of the Knowledge for Policy: Concepts and Methods Unit, JRC


Closing remarks

  • Athanasios Kontogeorgis, Secretary General of Coordination, Presidency of the Government, Greece
  • Daniele Dotto, Head of the Governance and Public Administration Unit, DG REFORM
14:45 End


Follow the event online!

This hybrid event will have in-person attendance (only by invitation) but it will also be streamed online.

If you belong to any of these groups, this project may interest you:

  • Representatives of the project's beneficiary organisations across these seven Member States.
  • Experts who will contribute to the project implementation in these seven Member States.
  • Public administration civil servants and other staff interested in evidence-informed policymaking processes.
  • Academic researchers and scholars with an interest in science for policy.
  • Other key stakeholders in the science-for-policy ecosystems of these seven Member States and beyond.


Click here to follow the event online



Funded by the European Union