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Showing results 1 to 10

Maria-Carmen PANTEA
Youth studies, school-to-work transitions, graduate employment, VET, youth civic participation, youth work, research evaluation.
José Santos
José Santos is an expert in European Policies for funding schemes in the Security and Defence sectors as well as a scientific researcher for the development of strategies and pathways for the development of future scenarios.
JRC - Joint Research Centre
I am a policy analyst and researcher seeking to contribute to better, evidence-informed and open law-making. At the Joint Research Centre (the European Commission's science & knowledge
Jelena Magnin
A political economist, policy analyst, certified science communicator, and a member of the Hyperpolyglot Association, proficient in 6 languages. I am a multidisciplinary individual with a Bachelor's in Economics at the University
felix moronta
International public servant committed to strengthening biotech regulatory policies
Clemens Marggraf
Early career researcher, who focuese on policies to improve senior well-being/health and bolster energy sector resilience against climate change.
PhD in Sports Sciences, former local councillor, researcher at Transdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CITED), published articles & books, organized events, writer/collaborator/manager/evaluator