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Supporting policy with scientific evidence

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Topic / Tool | Last updated: 10 Jan 2024

Research and Innovation

An overview of research and innovation initiatives on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture.

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Brief me on "Research and Innovation in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture"

New technologies, science, research, and innovations are recognised as powerful drivers for inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development, as highlighted in the 2030 Agenda. This has led an increasing number…

Publications on “Research and Innovation in Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Food Systems”

Access a selection of publications on “Research and Innovation in Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Food Systems” or explore all relevant publications on this topic .

Online resources on "Research and Innovation in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture"

This section provides a selection of online resources on "Research and Innovation in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture"

News and events on "Research and Innovation in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture"

In this section, explore news and events from the EU, international organisations, traditional and social media.

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