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Supporting policy with scientific evidence

We mobilise people and resources to create, curate, make sense of and use knowledge to inform policymaking across Europe.

Joined 19/04/2024



I am an international consultant and advisor in the field of science communication and public engagement with science. In my career spanning 25 years I have worked for several public and private organisations, including science museums, government organisations and universities across Europe, USA, South Africa and Brazil, leading some of the most innovative projects on science, art, democracy and public participation. I was Executive Director of the Science Gallery Network, the only university network dedicated to public engagement with art and science, and head of International Relations at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. I am a member of the board of the Deutsches Museum in Munich, of the scientific board of Universcience in Paris, and of the Expert Network of the World Economic Forum. I published 2 books and several academic and popular articles on public engagement with science and technology.

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