Malnutrition and food insecurity are two major diseases combating human development in Nigeria as they cause poor infant development, deteriorating maternal and child health...
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Nutrition-sensitive intervention Knowledge service
Global Food and Nutrition Security
This technical note presents the theory of change for gender transformative programming for food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture. It provides the rationale for development actors and practitioners to adopt...
Child stunting is a persistent problem in the Philippines. While stunting prevalence is higher in rural than in urban areas, it still affects one in four children under the age...
Key Messages: Peru has made significant strides in reducing the burden of stunting, but progress has stalled: 8 percent of urban children and 20 percent of rural...
Urban-rural disparities in undernutrition in children under five have dissipated. Stunting declined from 2014 to 2022 in both urban and rural areas, but more so in rural areas...
Key Messages: Undernutrition has declined over time, but stunting still affects 40 percent of rural children and 25 percent of urban children. -Micronutrient deficiencies—especially...
The 2024 edition explores the complex linkages between food trade and nutrition and generates evidence to show how trade can affect dietary patterns and nutritional outcomes...
Highlights: The FNG has been applied widely to inform advocacy and decision-making for nutrition-sensitive policy and programming. Government and non-government actors have applied FNG outputs in policymaking...
This review showcases IFAD-financed nutrition-sensitive projects in the Pacific, and raises awareness of the nutritional challenges and opportunities faced by Pacific Island countries. Nutrition has been integrated into IFAD's...
In this Strategy (2024 – 2030) WFP lays out its vision to reduce malnutrition during humanitarian emergencies; increase the consumption of healthy, nutritious diets among...